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Our marketing team's first priority is helping our advisors with achieving their goals and reaching success. The marketing team at Platinum Wealth Solutions of Texas provides marketing and sales support, training and experience, structured marketing plans, and key marketing strategies.

Chances are, you didn’t get into this business so that you could become an expert marketer. We know that financial advisors generally have to wear many hats, and that’s why we have built a robust marketing department so that you don’t have to waste your valuable time learning how to market yourself. Each of our advisors has their own custom marketing plan completely unique to their practice and what their goals are. We will then take as many of the resulting action items off of your, and your team’s, plate as possible. 

Examples of the support the marketing team provides include:

  • Social Media: Building and maintaining static profiles, content strategy, and training on best practices for networking through social.
  • Event Planning: Our team will handle every aspect of your event planning (whether educational or strictly for client appreciation). We will design and distribute invitations, create social media posts to promote the events, and work with you to develop any necessary handouts. Our marketing team also puts together an extensive list of ongoing educational webinars throughout the year that our advisors can tap into to invite their clients and prospects without having to put much thought into it.
  • Websites: If you want to build your own website for you or your team, our marketing team members are well versed on a multitude of website hosting platforms and will create and maintain your website.
  • Email Marketing: Our team can manage whichever approved email marketing system you select, including updating your contacts, sending out custom emails, and setting up automated campaigns.
  • Print Collateral: We will handle the design and compliance approval of any marketing collateral needed to promote your practice to your ideal target market.

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